Here for Jon is my next post - THE WATKINS COOKBOOK!
Is it the Rawleigh Cookbook? No it is not. Now, I have owned the Rawleigh Cookbook in the past and I might have one now, but that would mean getting up from Command Central here and digging through my bookshelves, which I am not going to do because I am snuggled in with my modern Jazz and my Big Ballard. Anyway I already took the pictures for the Watkins one.

Oh no wait it's the Rawleigh one. OK then.
So anyway, Rawleigh. It was a door-to-door sales outfit that purveyed ink, veterinary nostrums, patent medicines, cleaning agents, herbs, spices, extracts and whatever else shit. Their old bottles are pretty collectible. I've owned a few over the years, in fact - a Beef Extract and
- well who gives a shit. Anyway, if you put in an order, they'd include one of these cookbooks for free!
They put a lot of thought into them, too. Rawleigh assumed very little cooking experience, expecting that new brides (who presumably didn't know squat) and cheap mother-in-laws (who couldn't be bothered to buy a birthday gift for the trollop who married their angel, oh but look I've got this thing lying around, I'll just wrap it for the bitch) would be the ones most appreciative of this offering . They also assumed total ignorance on the part of the buyer with the concept of 'flavor' - and once again, they nailed it. If you lived someplace like Pollock, California, Spangle, Washington, or Lastine, Oregon, this being the late 1950's, you were very unlikely to have grown up eating much other than Vegetation and Things in Cloudy Water. Consequently, these recipes are dead simple.
Incidentally, all the same things can be said for The Watkins Co. Cookbook. It's around here somewhere.
BAM SHAKALAKA we got a message from the desk of hang on.
We got a message from the president of the company!!!
I mean read this over. If they still wrote copy like this I'd have an empty bank account. All these years later I'm thinking 'My, what a nice fellow. OO and look, company letterhead!' You can also see the date of publication - 1959.
Now let's get to the recipes and pictures. Mainly the pictures.
This is a classic of advertising photography IMHO. And the staging - it doesn't get more 'Heartland, home and family' than this stuff.
Let's begin with the absolutely dead basic
Behold - roast beef! You wipe it down and throw it in the oven. Just add a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Rawleighs pepper.
Pork done well develops it's best flavor. You know why? Because it kills all the roundworms. Nobody wants raw roundworm. You gotta cook pork well done because pork in the 1950s is crawling with trichinosis, which is roundworm, and it'll crawl out of that underdone meat while you're still chewing and eat straight through your cheeks. Incinerate that pork so you don't die of encephalitis, which is when roundworms crawl around in your central nervous system and your brain and eyes and shit. No, like, they actually shit, and lay eggs, and chew holes in your brain, and die and float around in you.
Why are we cutting and slashing and doing this stuff with pineapple juice to this leg of lamb? What provoked this? And listen - I live in Dilly freakin' Oregon. Population 301. Where do I come by Dry Burgundy out this way in the 1950s?
Nowhere. That's where.
Let's take a second look at the finished product. I mean...
OK this might not be a triumph of food photography.
Yikes sorry sorry sorry that was frightening. OK. Here. Look at this nice ham on this pretty dinner table. And breeeeeeeeeeathe.
Ah, but then....we have THIS ^^^. What the fuck is this. Why does it look like a giant tick.
Now here is Mr. Rawleigh getting all Ethnic on us.
We are not going to dwell too much on the olive plate to the right. We are not juvenile.
It's just an oval.
It's fine.
Here we are back again in the Land of the Bland WTFs. I hope none of you are from Maryland. That is not how that recipe is supposed to go.
I know this is an emotional roller coaster.
Now see, this is pretty. I like this. I don't know what to think about the dish of tiny weenises to the lower left there, but it's not all weenises, and look; there's a dish of crudites, which is French for 'hard throbbing vegetables.'
It is.
That's what it means.
And here is the recipe. And also a recipe for freakin' LOBSTER SAUCE. You know what, Rawleigh, I live in Wapato, Washington and it's 1959.
Where the fuck am I supposed to come up with LOBSTER SIR.
Shh shh OK I'm fine, I'll calm down. See? Here's some nice average stuff that your mom might make you for lunch, and you would be happy.
Ignore the Ham Salad Mousse.
Ignore the Molded Vegetable Salad, and particularly ignore the Jellied Vegetable Salad.
Here we are again at a wonderful piece of food staging artistry. I love everything about this picture. I love the butter bowl and I love the rolling pin, and I love the shiny, shiny bread products, and the tablecloth. The recipe is fine. It makes the slightly gloopy kind of white bread that Franz Bakery used to make back in the 1960s. I figure that's due to the shortening.
Aw, it's Easter!
And Peter Rabbit is out there with the Hot Cross Buns and the marmalade and the strawberry jam! He's headed straight for the butter!
With his tongue hanging out, mad as hell, ready to chew some human faces, followed by his band of beakless baby fowl!
I put this in because Blueberry Pie is my favorite pie.
At the very end you get a page on how to use spices, which is adorable.
You also get two pages about vitamins.
Unless you are standing in a meadow literally chewing on a cow, your food is falling far short and its mostly your fault because you cook, and cooking sucks.
Vegetables are not your friend, they do not like you, they deliberately belch all their food value into the aether leaving you with nothing but a wad of plant cellulose while the god of plants laughs at your plight.
Even the Sun hates you.
Malnutrition looms.
Listen. You live way out in the country and its 1959. You already have a lot to worry about when it comes to recognizably human offspring. See, and here you don't even realize that you're nutritionally deficient and a menace to the future, you ignorant clodhopper. But you are.
Do you want to have mutated babies? Do you want to have a kid that looks like a possum? Or a clam? Because you will - if they make it nine months. Thats right.
Why can't Johnny read? Look at the shit you let him eat.
You see Grandpa over there suffering from lactation, infections, worry, fear, pregnancy, lack of sleep, rapid growth, fractures, surgery, and change of climate??? BITCH HE NEEDS OUR VITAMINS.
So yeah.
This is the back cover.
And this is a pair of salt and peppers that look like dolphins, and the salt comes out of a hole in the middle of the dolphins' face.