Friday, July 28, 2023

Blogger Allows Adult Content!


I figured I'd weigh in on the subject because why the hell not. Nobody comes here expecting hard content, and that's good because I don't provide hard content. You want hard content? Man are you barking up the wrong Native American!

I don't know why I felt like that sentence needed to end in a declaration. But it did.

Welcome to more of the usual!    


Facts You Should Know

We here at Apartmento FirstNations depend on pizza for our livelihood. It's true!  The Biker works for a place that designs and manufactures pizza ovens for the worldwide market, and it has an amazing test kitchen where the new designs are tried out, and where chefs come and test out their new recipes prior to releasing new pizzas on an unsuspecting world.  The results are given to the employees to assess. That's right - you have the Biker (and I, because he brings those dogies home) to thank for that Eggplant and Banana abomination. 

-NO! HA HA! We may be fat but we have standards.  But the fact remains - Americas' designer pizza choices are brought to you by the tastebuds of 50 people in Bellingham, Washington.  

People just like these, only more of them resemble The Penguin.  


I Googled 1950's Bush and This Is What I Got


I Wrote A Story About Joe Biden


The only real pizza is a Neapolitan-style. Fact or fiction?  

I grew up on radioactive milk and Velveeta.  Therefore, the authenticity of any given pizza, as far as my ass is concerned, is determined by whether or not you can see it's reflection in a mirror, like Dracula, or Joe Biden. 

...because he's so old. So, like, he's probably Dracula, because he's...

I know what I mean. 

This thing pictured below is the Pizza Hut Hotdog Bites Pizza, the pizza Joe Biden eats every day.  He tears this shit up. He doesn't care. He's the president. He has a swimming pool of these things hauled in every morning and he jumps off a diving board and just does Pizza Laps all day long.  "Ring ring! It's for you, Mr. President!"  "Fuck off , I'm swimming in pizza and you wish you were me."  

That's what he says.


I'm Thinking About Pizza Too Much

Years and years ago there was a pizza chain called Shakey's here in the PNW.  The one we went to on Foster and Powell was decorated in Murder Basement Noir, with a low ceiling, dim lighting, walls that were thick with cobwebs, and massive benches where you sat like a galley slave and waited. And waited.

Naturally, the pizza blew.

I mean the pizza really blew. Grease pooled on the surface and shimmered in the cups of charred pepperoni; bright orange grease that would run down your arm and harden on the tray as you ate.  I ate a slice once when I was six, and puked on the floor next to the table, and in the car all the way home, and in the bathroom when I got home, and then they gave me Seven-Up and I barfed that, which wasn't too bad, and it wasn't orange either.  


A Pizza Revolution

Ten years earlier, a pizza revolution had already taken place in Portland, Oregon, in the form of Francines Pizza Jungle!  Who knew?


This chick is not Francine, but she's probably 70 now.


Meanwhile, little FirstNations (not her above) was growing up, and her local pizzeria hangout was the locally notorious Pietros.  They hired staff exclusively from my high school. That's why I refused to eat there.  I knew those people. The only safe menu item there was the pop. Even then you had to lie to yourself.

It took me years to figure out that this was supposed to represent a tall, skinny chef muffled up in kitchen whites. 

Imagine me in elephant bells, ice cream shoes and a crop top smoking a joint out front here in 1975. Or not. I am not the boss of you.

Pietros was a theme pizzeria, and the theme was 'Wipe your hands on our red-flocked wallpaper'. For unknown reasons, the owners attempted and failed to imitate a Gay Nineties look. See me, I'da gone for the Italian thingamaroo but that' just me. So imagine, then, eating highly suspect pizza in a red and white-striped imitation whorehouse, where a stoned clown clown named Zeezo - on roller skates! - teetered around making balloon animals. 

A Masked Suckapalooza

        This is what happens.   


Pizza Links 4 U!!

-Reddit has a disgusting pizza forum!  Scroll down if you are Higher than pterodactyl tits.  

-Here in America we have a pizza delivery business called Dominoes. Its mascot is The Noid.  The Noid is a dude in a red bunny suit who exists to fuck up pizza. That's all he does, is take speed and run around and giggle and fuck up pizza.  Don't ask me what that's about. It's not my fault.  It's what the Noid does.

I was going to provide a link, but I did not.    

-Let's say The Mistress lead you down the primrose path with cake farts, and now you can't stop buffin' the muffin' and/or jerkin' the gherkin thinking about the noisy private parts of others laying on food.  Your genetalia is worn out and you need a bigger fix to itch that bitch.  I have just what you need here:  Pizza-centric porn!!!! 

And a New York slice for you   

Summing Up  

My husband is a cog in the machineries of Big Pizza, and you owe your pizza selections in small part to his discriminating tastes. 

Well there you go! You learned about pizza! And...stuff!  

                                         And that's what's important. Learning about stuff.  
                                                                       And you did.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Down The Rabbit Hole, Featuring The Hells Angels and Padre Pio

Growing up, our house was like a chapel.  We had holy water stoups, statues of the saints, pictures of the saints, crucifixes, palm leaves, and holy cards galore. Dangling from the pull chain to the light over our washing machine was a devotional scapular of St. Francis

Like this only older and dirtier     

...which my mother might have worn. (She never said, and I didn't ask. I just dicked with it until the string broke, and then put it in the washer, and it got washed, and it shrunk.)

Mom was a walking library on things like the Stigmata, which is probably why she liked St. Francis, who was poked full of holes;  the Lactation of St. Benedict...

Yup. Just....yup.   

...weeping statues, bleeding paintings, weeping crucifixes, weeping and bleeding statues, crucifixes and paintings, The Devils Nun, (also comprehensively perforated, poor woman) and other mysteries of Catholicism that involved the secretion of fluids for no good reason. That's why she was one of the early devotees of Padre Pio.

 Padre Pio was a priest who had been granted the Holy Stigmata.  

Starring Shia LaBoeff.  No shit. I'm not even Catholic anymore and I'm ashamed.   

This dude was the whole enchilada. He had the the Marks of the Scourge, the Mark of the Holy Cross, the Scars of the Crown of Thorns, the Wound of Longinus, and the Wounds of the Nails.  No, not Shia LaBoeff. Padre Pio. Keep up.

No,w bleeding and crying and secreting scented oils are not strictly the domain of Catholics and their belongings.  My grandmother told a story of a tintype of the deceased that wept.  And that sounds like a typical florid Victorian notion, doesn't it? Ghoulish and romantic at the same time, with a little folklore thrown in.

Thinking about this, I remembered a story I'd read in Easyriders Magazine (it could have been another publication. It was awhile ago.)  It was the story of the painting of Lovely Larry, which I thought was the original of a poster that was pretty popular in the late 1960s, which I cannot find to save my life, although I've come close.

OK. See the guy in the middle with the helmet, round glasses and striped shirt?  That dude was the only image on the poster, which I remember seeing for sale in 1968-71.  Can't find it for sour birdshit nowadays, though.  And it's not Lovely Larry. It's Frank Sedilek. This whole line of thought makes sense to me.

The story goes, LL's wrecked motorcycle had gotten lost after his death.  One of the ol' ladies was a bruja, and she said that she had spirit guidance from LL telling her the location of the motorcycle and hoping that it would be repaired and run again - and sure enough, she was right! There it was in some random dudes' hall closet.  It was brought out and re-built...and on that very day, the painting of Lovely Larry in the Hells Angels clubhouse had tears running down its face.

I looked up bleeding paintings, because why the hell not.  And by gosh I found a weeping painting. 

Of Willie Nelson.

Our Willie Nelson painting is bleeding. Haunted or nah? #scary #haunte... | TikTok

Oddly, it's on Japanese TikTok. I have no idea why Japanese people would be interested in a crying picture of Willie Nelson but there you go.


-I also found the story of a bacterium that can produce bleeding polenta.  BLEEDING FREAKIN' POLENTA PEOPLE. Can you imagine? You want to have a nice polenta and Oh Damn No That Shit Is Bleeding.

-The UK gives us this little menace:  The Inflammable Crying Boy. 

Which as far as I'm concerned is a sight better, artistically speaking, than a Keene Crying Kid picture. I mean honestly, who wants a picture of a crying kid?  

,,,my goofy teenage cousin Theresa, that's who. She had a roomful of the things     

Anyway, back to the UK crying boy picture.


Apparently if you have this thing hanging on the wall your house will burn down, and only this mysterious picture of the Crying Boy will remain, undamaged amid the smoking pyre of your former belongings.  So, like, Jon?  You and Arcati sweep the premises, OK? If you find one of these fuckin' things, GET RID OF IT.

- All over ancient Greece and Rome were statues that rambled around, made faces, wept, bled, spoke, and sweated. And nobody thought a thing of it. Apparently, that's what statues did, and you put up with it.  (I for one would be kind of grossed out by a sweaty statue.  I'd go next door to visit the one that wasn't sweaty.)  The statue of Apollo at Cumae cried a lot. You had to kill and animal and take a good look at it's liver to find out why.

Not like you'd know it from this happy scamp.  Of course he was holding a spear originally, so maybe he was happy about whatever he was about to stab. Or maybe he was going to test a cake for doneness. I don't know.  What I do know is Apollo loves to run around with his junk hanging out, which seems like it would have been distracting.

-Well what do you know. There is a statue of Buddha that moves and blinks and stuff. This guy is super excited about it.

I figured the Buddha for a contemplative kind of fellow. Apparently he likes to mess with his followers occasionally. Quelle surprise.

-In Atlanta, there is a freakin' Bleeding House.  Naturally, they tell you about all the photographs of the place with blood all over, geysering from the bathroom floor, running down the walls, just a mess - but do they show them?  NO.  Of course they don't.

I really hate this.  Always you hear about photographs taken of the really good places, like the Snedeker House for example, and yet nobody ever pops up with the things. And that Snedeker house, man, everything was going on there, from poltergeist activity, to a little ghost boy running around in Batman pajamas, to acts of sodomy performed by a pterodactyl-demon, which I for one would definitely have tried to catch on film. John Zaffis (paranormal investigator, on hand at the Snedeker house, along with his aunt and uncle Ed and Elaine Warren) even says there's pictures - and video! DAMMIT ZAFFIS PUBLISH THEM ALREADY or don't you have bills to pay? Shit or get off the paranormal pot already.

The book about this haunting, In A Dark Place, is pretty thrilling.  However, I have the same problem with the story that reviewer Michael from Goodreads has:

"And that's my problem with stories like these, of which I've read hundreds: no one ever seems to suspect that something supernatural is occurring until far too late. Seriously: I'd hear a menacing, disembodied voice exactly one time before I'd think, "Hmmm...I live in a funeral home. There are cold spots. It feels clammy. It's always dim. Maybe, just maybe..." The other thing I found frustrating was the family's seeming inability to tell each other what was taking place. Again, if our bed was vibrating, and Julie (my wife) was hearing tinny music, laughing voices, and footsteps moving through our hallway, I suspect she might mention it to me. Like, at the top of her voice the instant it happened. And—this is just me; not to be judgmental or anything—were I sodomized by a demon, I wouldn’t then worry about how expensive moving is. It would become a bit of a priority in my life to, you know, leave. Right. Then."

Well, that rounds it up.  What you need to take away from this is that there may or may not be inanimate objects out there that scream, pee, write bad checks and drive fast cars. You never know. Check your sofa. See if it screams.


Thursday, July 20, 2023

My Cat Rosie


On my perambulations around the Web I found a forum full of answers to the question "What's the stupidest amount of money you ever spent on a pet, that turned out to be nonsense?"

It's story time.

It was my first apartment, and I had just gotten rid of my first roommate, a girl who had been pitched to me by my mother's Bible group.  


Naturally this girl turned out to be a twitchy, spooky suicidal-depressive who lived in constant fear that someone would come in through her bedroom window and kill her cat. Where she got this from I do not know, but she would work herself into fits of trembling every evening and rant about how she just knew someone was going to break in specifically to kill her cat. After two weeks she was calling home all the time sobbing, begging her parents to let her move back in, something that they seemed...oddly reluctant to do.

Finally, to my great relief, they relented.  Her father quietly apologized to me and explained how things were on his last trip in for her stuff.  And I forgave him. He seemed really stressed.  At the same time, I was happy to see her ass go down the road, so I didn't keep him chatting.

I did not miss her, and to this day I don't remember her name - but I did miss her cat.  I liked her cat. One of the reasons why I liked her cat was because her cat did not regale me with detailed descriptions of its suicide attempts. Unlike it's owner. 


Two weeks later I was out at the curb putting trash into the dumpster.  There underneath, crying, was a young Siamese cat.  It was starving and dirty, and had a horribly sunken eye.  

No thought was involved.  I was going to save this cat. I fed it, got it cleaned up, and took it in to the vets. On the bus. Wrapped in a sweater.

And I did it in menswear.     

$300.47 (in today's money) later, I had a freaked out young Siamese cat, less one brain tumor and its little kitty uterus.  The vet gave me a cardboard carrier for her.  I caught the bus home.  By the time I made it back, that carrier was shredded, and all that whole long, long way, stoplight to stoplight, that cat screamed it's Litany of  Murder.  I lunged off the bus at my stop, followed by laughter.

Things went happily uphill from there. Soon she was a nice, happy, shiny cat that I adored and that adored me, too. I decided to name my kitty 'Rosie Planetoid' because I was 18.  

Rosie quickly grew from a petite, rangy kitty into a hulking Neanderthal bruiser, all beetling brow, wide jaws and broad chest, the weirdest cat I've ever seen, even to this day. People began calling her the Flintstones cat.  

She adored my friends, probably because they reeked of pot, and would cuddle them whenever they came over, and she got petted and made over by everyone.   They would bring her A&W Baby Burgers, just to watch her snack them down in two gulps. Like I said, this was a big, hulking cat. 

Rosie was a sweetheart. She liked to follow me around the house and watch me do things.  She slept on the side of my bed, and she liked to snuggle and play and make comments about daily life.  She liked to take a turn around out of doors too, to go beat up the neighborhood cats.  Dogs, too. And she would bring me presents, as cats will. 

The ass is the best part! I saved it for you!  

But where other cats bring their owners things like dead mice, Rosie would climb on top of the dumpster, throw back the metal lid with one mighty paw, and fetch me back whole cracked crabs, leftover baked potatoes still in their tinfoil complete with butter and chives, and congealed lumps of spaghetti.  "Your cat's out shopping again," one of my friends would say, hearing the dumpster lid bang off the side.  And sure enough, there she'd be on the front step a few moments later with a dead plant.  Or a half a hot dog, complete with bun and mustard.

Because I'm mom's special cat.   

One day I was breaking down a pound of bud and weighing up bags on the triple beam, watching Sesame Street, high as balls. Rosie the cat came up on the back of the couch where I was sitting and draped herself over my shoulder.  I turned my head and felt something weird in her side.  Huh.

I lifted her off my shoulder and laid her on the couch and began feeling around.  I found what I hoped I would not find - a definite lump way back in her abdomen.  I remembered the horrible brain tumor the vet had removed from behind her eye, and I FREAKED.

By this time I had a regular cat carrier.  Once again I took my cat aboard the bus, and once again my nice kitty transformed into a thing from Hell, screaming, bashing around inside the carrier, reaching out the air holes, snagging a womans coat sleeve.  After three blocks the whole bus had gone silent. All you could hear were the baritone howls coming from my enraged cat, all the long, long way from 52nd and Powell to 4th.

I checked in at the vets.  The place was jammed. Little kids were playing. People were chatting about their pets. Dogs were whimpering.  I sat there holding a small box full of a large puma for all that anyone could tell by the sound.  As bad as the bus ride had been, this was worse. This cat was now making sounds never heard on Earth.  

"What have you got in there?" asked the man next to me. He had a cat too.  His cat was silent.  "A cat," I said. "Sounds angry," said he. 

At the time the phrase 'No shit, Sherlock' had not come into usage.  So I said "No shit, buddy." And he shut up.

Finally the nurse called us in.

The vet came into the exam room, took my story, and gave my cat an examination.  It took three nurses to hold that cat down, and finally the vet had them put her into a special immobilization thing like a cat-straitjacket, and still that animal fought and howled.  I could hear people outside the room going 'Listen to that animal!' and 'What is it, a bobcat?'  And I'm crying, thinking my poor cat has cancer and is in terrible pain.

"Well, you'll be relieved to hear there's nothing wrong!" said the vet.  "She's fine!"

What was the problem, you ask?

My cat had to take a dump.

I paid $200.00 to find out my special, special cat was full of shit.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Saddle Up Podner

 Long, long ago when I was but a wee FirstNative, there was a show on television called Hee Haw.  Every adult I knew LOVED this show.  It consisted of regional white stereotypes...holler dwellers, hicks, hayseeds, rubes and village idiots, all twanging to beat the band and singing Bluegrass, Country Western, Country Pop and Grand Ole Opry classics.  Nine-year-old me thought it was a mega cringefest from the first opening notes of it's theme song:

I am so sorry to have done this to you. 

Now to be perfectly honest, there were a lot of excellent musicians on this show.  It was the premise and the format that was so awful. Of course, it was typical mainstream 1960's fare too. I guess people gotta get paid. 

Hee Haw went off the air in 1992, but its memory lingers on.  One man living in Hinotes Corner, Washington U.S.A built himself an entire shrine dedicated to the show.  It resides in a restaurant called The Rusty Wagon, and it was created with the help of a local chainsaw artist.  It used to be that the entire place was Hee-Haw themed, but now it's relegated to part of the main dining room. And so as not to draw out the tension - because I know y'all are slavering - here you go: 

Here we are walking up to one of the most popular and longstanding restaurants in Whatcom County.  Yes it has a fake outhouse out front.  I spared you the cute motto above the door, and you are grateful.  Just hang on.  You'll get your cute motto fix.   

Right next to the front door.  Is this meant to be 'theme'? Yes. Is it meant to be ironic? ....maybe...maybe not. If you want to see open carry anywhere in Whatcom County, you'll see it here on a Sunday morning.  Right after church.  No kidding.   

The next few pictures are taken inside the Hee Haw dining room.  I had to 'Skip To My Lou' right purdy so as not to bother the diners with my picture taking!


Kids, I won't lie.  The one thing I enjoyed about 'Hee Haw' was Grandpa Jones picking.  That man was amazing.

This is the backdrop to the stage.  They have live music here on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. No I do not attend.  Someone might ask me to dance. I do not dance.

The stage.  Behind the glass you can barely see Rooster Cogburn aka John Wayne peeking out. Hi John!

Good old Minnie Pearl.  HOOOOOOOOOOOOOW - DEE!    

OK.  Now we're going to take a little trip around the rest of the place.

For a Western Themed restaurant, this is pretty restrained.  And yes - there on the dividing wall is The Rusty Wagon swag shelf!  On the other side of it is one of the last remaining salad bars in the wild. (Covid killed the rest.) No I didn't take a picture of it.  It's a salad bar. C'mon.   

This is the hostess station.  If you can make it past the zombie (center bottom) you're good to go.

Horse Advice.  Miss Rodeo America was a local girl back inn 2013.

The vestibule again.  
Left bottom there you can see a poster up for the Deming Logging Show.  (That would be the subject of a whole 'nother post.)  A logging show is an amazing thing to see, and all the competitors are local. They have events like spike climbing, log rolling, competitive chainsaw...sawing, customized chainsaw races (!!!), and other loggerly events.   There are men and women out here that can throw hatchets and axes with deadly accuracy, in case you were feeling frisky.  

The notice board.  Every good local restaurant has one of these the further you go toward Mt. Baker. They really are the heartbeat of a small town. Back when we had our motorcycle paint and custom business we got a lot of work using local notice boards just like this one (and that's how we flew without a business license for so many years!)

Not a prob.  -oh damn I gotta take a leak!  Well let's go find the bathroom.

Oh! It must be down this way! Thanks, Speedy!  

Ah. This must be the place.

Yup, this is definitely the place.

Well, that's enough of that.  
Yeah, I feel snarky about this place, but here's the thing - their food is FANTASTIC, the service is great, and the place is always sparkling clean. You have to give credit where credit is due. We've been here a handful of times over the past 30 years. Of course, one doesn't always feel like being surrounded by tchotkes, racism and Red politics being shouted across the room, so we don't feel like we need to visit at all these days.

Here's my question for you folks from Parts Foreign; and this is something I've always wondered.  Do  you have private-owned theme restaurants like this where you live, or is that an American thing? 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

From The Archives

I found a forgotton cache of old pictures, and so I figured I'd post them here.  So.  Here ya go:

Fully restored Ford Falcon at the beach. (You never know what will wash up.)

Improved Josephs Coat in her heyday     

Celebrating another perfect paneer


A view along the Crap Fence 


Many happy honeybees playing in an Itoh Red blossom!  


The first and only truly red clematis I've ever seen - and I owned it!   (And yes, it's coming back like there never was a flood!)

Miskatonic University parking pass



A closeup view of the Shrine of Geoffrey   


Depressed Black Kitty visiting the Shrine of Geoffrey for comfort and guidance.

Coming soon:  All the America All The Time - good eats at the crossroads with a side of Wow That's Red!