Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Carnival of Man Ass and Side Boob that is Netflix

Netflix gives the best schlock in the known universe.  The kind of visually rich, detailed, CGI enhanced, reliably violent schlock that you can't get anywhere else, pulling from a pool of actors who are uniformly fit as hell and surprisingly talented.  Man, you give me a Netflix limited series, as long as it's not European style sword and sorcery dreck, and I am THERE.

The Umbrella Academy.  Tokyo Stories. Dracula (2010) Luke Cage. Pose.  Hell, even the first season of 'Sabrina.'  Stranger Things (first story arc)  the list goes on...gimme a break here, I'm uncaffeinated.  You can stop an episode and just glory in the incredible detail that goes into every single frame - and just being able to pause the movie and do that is great!

That said, do not try this with 'Scorpion King - Book of Souls.'  There are a lot of people in that movie with big old honkin' lip herpes.  I have never seen so many lip-herpes in one movie.  A lot of ancient Mesopotamia or wherever they're at is made out of two-by-fours from Home Depot.  Still, it would be a good one for little kids, and since I am the worlds oldest 13 year old boy, I was entertained by it too.

That said, I do miss my b/w movies.  I could roam around the apps and hunt and peck, but you usually come up with The Classics, and there's only so many times you can watch 'Double Indemnity', you know what I mean?  I wanna see the pre-Hayes Code stuff like Night Nurse, and Tiger Woman.  If there is a channel out there that carries this stuff, do mention it in the comments, my thousands of fans, and do so in an orderly fashion.  My in-box is absolutely crammed (and don't you go laughing Mistress Maddie because you're just jealous.)

Suddenly, finally, full Summer has arrived here at Rancho FirstNations, and my sad old ass is miserable.  It went from temperate and enjoyable to HOT.  I do not do well with extremes of temperature these days and I never could stand hot weather, even as a kid.  It's only been three days and I'm sitting here with two fans going and a squirt bottle full of water, indoors; only emerging to mow the lawn and do a little weeding in the evenings.  I'm the only known example of Diurnal Gardening Draculette known.  Roll up and see this freak of nature, this marvel of strange science, and stand aghast at the amount of ice water she consumes!  Watch her mix her strange cooling spray with a drop of isopropyl and a dot of patchouli as the smell of old curries past rises from her cleavage!  See her spritz herself and gain new life - if only for a few minutes - during which time the audience may throw peanuts and ask questions!


  1. Oh lambchop...nothing worst than a in-box absolutely crammed. Usually it require go long therapy and still can't fucking walk straight for a week. I alas, don't get Newflix, but have seen Dracula and a show called Sex Education which were addictive. Not much of a tv viewer, but do like my old bbc comedies....and old movies too I like. I also enjoy those good old horror and SyFy cult classics and monsters movies. Comet Tv plays lots of that shit.

    Now last night I did a re-watch of an odd film I saw once called Eraserhead. This is still very intresting to say the least.

    And gurl fire up that damn chainsaw....we got hands to cut the hell off. Good to know you got me puddin.

  2. OMG MISTRESS MADDIE The Biker and I bonded over 'Eraserhead'! Not even lying, not a bit! The first real conversation we had was about David Lynch movies, and come up this hairy, backwoods, unkempt moontanned mountain of Alaskan studliness had actually SEEN ERASERHEAD! Thereafter commenced a fascinating conversation about all the cult movies he and I had in common, with pithy insights offered up, surrounded by a fog of pheromones! I still have the 'Eraserhead' movie poster I bought to commemorate AR LUV rolled up in a closet (my teenaged daughter begged us to take it down because it was too 'icky'.) That sucker is going back UP now!

  3. "Draculette" is a nice word, thank you !
    About the rest you mention I can say nothing, except Erazerhead - it's ages since I saw it, must try to find it on a video channel. Since then I always looked at the erazer on my cheap pencils with some fascination ...

  4. 63Mago: It's all fun and games until somebody gives birth to a hundred squitty wailing bloody things, and you get sucked into the bed.
