Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 OK holy shit.  How did I NOT know there was a 'Bi' flag back in 1998 until now? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?   

I have been craving a...badge!  Or something! For fucking years!

 I got labelled 'lipstick lesbian in the closet' or 'straight with a kink' for too goddamn many years and it pissed me off that everyone seemed to just shove us Bi people to the side like "Oh, you pass, you have no problems, get over it."  And like it or not, that was the subtext in far, far too many opinions.  

I don't have to provide proof of suffering to gain my crown, and I don't have to ask for my crown either. I goddamn well will TAKE THAT FUCKER and I did, and I've worn it, and been out, and people think I sold out by marrying a man, and fuck them.  I married who I fell in love with.  I'd leave him for Salma Hayak or Jaime Lee Curtis for a nickle, but there you go.  Been gettin' the dick for years and enjoying every minute of it.  And I hate to break it to some of you, but dick?  Smell just like sugar.  Salty, too.

My yard, as I'd planned, is now a full on Gay Pride flag.  Do I have pictures?  No I do not have pictures, but I will take some and post them because things has changed, children.  This is Flaming June (in more ways than one!) out in the garden, when all the real show-stoppers raise their heads and spread their wings.  If you could stand in my yard and smell the roses, the honeysuckle, the irises and the lemon balm you would be enchanted.  I'd provide you with the cock-a-tail of your choice (with a tip of the wig to Mistress Maddie) and then you'd be enchanted and drunk, and you could wander around being sentimental and shit.  It would be awesome.


  1. Guess what toots?

    There is a bi flag!!!!!!!!!!! Fly your freak....high and free I say.

  2. I’d proudly and eagerly stand by you in your garden, imbibing cocktails (or should that be im-BI-bing COCK-tails) and drunk texting any and all crushes you had on the herd of the world that light your firecracker. Im sorry for any and all exclusion you have felt and experienced (and still do.) I love, support, and welcome my bi “siblings.” Just know there’s an upstate gay guy in NY that loves your blog and thinks you’re pretty damn cool - especially because you’re Bi. So embrace that flag and everything else about you that makes you special and fabulous!


  3. That should read “the hers.” What a terrible typo to make!


  4. I like that idea: "the garden as a full on Gay Pride flag"!

    Ours is - as you might imagine - every bit as flamboyant and OTT as its owners! My other half Madam Arcati posts a journal entry every month, and has done for several year - here's the most recent one, for May.


    PS Remember:

    Girls who want boys
    Who like boys to be girls
    Who do boys like they're girls
    Who do girls like they're boys
    Always should be someone to really love!

    - Blur

  5. Cock Tails in your garden would be awesome. Like you I like the taste of um too sweet & salty !
    Fly your Flag with Pride I say.

  6. I am trying really hard to have a better looking garden this year. I have a big pink bush, but not a lot else - yet!!
    I saw your note to me at Madam Arcati's - Love you, too!! Like Dinah, I'm on a WordPress blog [so I'm a pain in the arse] - links can be found on Inexplicable's Blogrol!. Or by clicking on my Blogger Profile, and then clicking on 'My Website'.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It took me a while to track down Ms Scarlet.
    To see a photo of the infamous Pink Bush and then react and comment on it, it seems I will have to join World Press to do so!

  9. Send some of your garden photos to Mr. DeVice. Go check out his latest post.
