Thursday, February 16, 2023

Fifty Mushroom Detail Dance - Electric!

 Shit: together. Happy, fat and sassy. Hot biker husband still hot, husbandly and bikerlike. 

Former Sumas property?  SOLD.  Made money. Paid in full.  Then the Feds changed all the building regulations for Sumas. Now the poor dude who bought the place can't develop it.

FIMA money?  Funny you should ask. 

Garden?  What was not given away has been looted, and I am 100% OK with that.  

House and property? It's been almost a year since I last drove past the place, and not a single thing had been touched, repaired, hauled away or cleaned.  The city had an 'upkeep notice' posted in the yard.  No longer my problem.


Get ready for a lot of ellipses and dashes.


In Washington State, it is absolutely legal to purchase, grow and carry around marijuana. Has been since 2013. 

I have a retail outlet I like and frequent.  It's located in an old drive-thru coffee hut, and I adore the whole concept.  From 'Three seeds in your purse = seven years in jail' to 'Hi! My name is Cleome, I'll be your budstress today! May I take your order?'  (And yes, budstress is a real term. 'Budtender' is the male version.  I know.)   

 I buy a couple of pre-rolls every month or so because I'm a cheap date. It doesn't take much to get me roasted. These days you can just name your preference - mine is indica, locally grown - and off I go,  and I buy me two fat swaggy cones for 1970's prices. Life is GOOD in my old age.  I no longer have to visit vile freaky houses in the middle of the night and freeze my ass off in the rain waiting for a baggie to be handed out through the fuckin' cat door.

Now, because I came of pot-smoking age in the 1970's, I save my roaches. I remember the Great Marijuana Drought of 1976.  The government sprayed crops willy-nilly, from Alaska to Mexico, rumors of paraquat and genocide abounded, paranoia spread throughout the land, and all you could find was $25.00 a 1/4 Mexican Dirtweed,  or homegrown - which was not kolas, kids. It was shade foliage and stems. For $25.00 a 1/4.  That's $114.71 goddamn dollars in 2023 US cash. So yeah, you saved your roaches.

So here I am in the future with a buttload of roaches.

I go online to look up new methods of using roaches, trying to stay up to date and all, maybe learn some new technique, and what do I find? CHEMISTRY EXPERIMENTS.  All this shit using butane and sub-zero freezing equipment and lab ethanol and honestly, after three pages of this, and reading numerous comments on forums that went 'Ew yuck! Just throw them away! Ew!  Nasty! They're useless! Gross! Barf!' and so forth, I had to back off and have a beer.

I'm assuming some of you are being frugal and saving your roaches too.  And it's possible that I am preaching to the choir. In case I am not though, no no no. No yuck. No throwing away of roaches.

No no no no no.

You take those roaches, cut them into tiny shreds with a scissors and you soak all that in FUCKING VODKA.  I mean Good Gravy Marie people, this is not rocket surgery.  If some sad child o' the Eighties is going to get squicky about the flavor, NUT UP.  This is not meant to be snorked and slurped and gazed at thoughtfully or rolled around in the mouth like a fine wine you MORON.  Listen to Grandma. You pound this. Boom. Down the hatch. We caught up?  OK.

What follows is an unnecessarily detailed recipe. 


Don't throw away your roaches. Instead, make

Tincture of Roach

1 pint - Cheapest Vodka (or any high-test hard alcohol) you can find, in bottle, with lid

All -  your roaches, rendered into little pieces with lots of surface area via whatever means


1. Pour yourself a shot of vodka. Drink it.  Now that you have room in the bottle, dump the roach fragments into the pint of vodka (or what have you.)  Cap it tightly and then shake for as long as you can deal with shaking this container.  Contents will turn black-brown and get thick and chunky. Keep shaking. Enlist the efforts of others.  Shake this bad boy UP.

2. Store in a cool, dark place for 30 days.  This basically means not next to a fireplace or a heat duct.  Room temp is just fine.  An unheated garage would be optimum, but there's really no reason to take things that far.  As far as the darkness goes, I don't really know how this works or doesn't work; just do it my way because it's Muk tested and Muk approved.

3. After 30  days, shake again for a ridiculously long time.  Replace in cool dark place.

4. Wait 30 more days. 

4.5 At the end of those 30 days, remove from cool dark place. Do not shake. Do not agitate. Let it settle.  In the meantime, ready a clean, empty glass container with a generous mouth, fitted with a funnel in which a coffee strainer has been placed.

5. Being careful not to agitate the nasty weird guck that is your vodka and roach mix, tip it slowly into the coffee filter.  The upper portion of this liquid should be a clearish yellow color, and there should be a bottom layer of pure evil.  Carry on. Fear not. Simply tip the clear stuff s l o w l y through the filter, and then follow it with the sediment.  Dump it all out and let it sit there in the coffee filter, straining away into the clean glass container, overnight.

6. Next day!  Good morning! You now have a clean glass container filled with tobacco yellow fluid that has a bottom layer of black sediment.  It will smell like a used ash tray full of vodka. This is what you want. Yes it is. Don't argue.

7. Throw away the coffee filter and its horrifying contents. Don't bother squeezing them to get the last drops. It's spent. Get rid of it.  Wash the funnel.  Pitch the empty pint. Wash your hands.  Now - put a lid on the filtered liquid you collected in the clean jar and put it in the refrigerator.  


How to use:  

A real Viking will unscrew the lid, take a slash and pass it around to his/her fellow Vikings, who will also take a rip and not bitch about how it tastes. You're a Viking, right? Like you give a shit!  Tomorrow you're gonna rape a bunch of nuns! 

Non-Vikings: Mix with the undiluted Torani syrup of your choosing.  Man, do NOT use peppermint or cherry flavoring because there will be projectile vomiting. I don't know why this is true but it is.

Bon vivants: Mix like any cocktail that uses vodka as an ingredient and pretend you don't notice the burning restroom flavor.

It'll hit you in about 15 minutes.  Take a few moments to savor and assess this state of being, and then proceed with due care. Believe me, this stuff is potent (and here your persnickety ass was going to throw those roaches away? For shame!) 

So there you go.  No Freon, no Pyrex containers, no burning motor homes.  Far from being waste, roaches are a prime source of crunchy brain fodder.  For the shamefully low price of a pint of shitty vodka you can have hours of fun. I like to spend that time misusing lighters and aerosol hairspray.

Bonus Fun Fact!

If you've been worried about intestinal parasites, worry no more, bucko. Vodka-Roach tincture, once ingested, will kill everything in you that isn't you, and some of it might still be recognizable the next time you take a dump (oh yes) so if you're into that kind of thing, be on the lookout. No I am not joking.


How you doin'?


  1. Yay! You're back! How'm I doin'? Ok for an old-ish lady.
    Moved three times and finally settled in the new(hopefully last!)place. Required some down-sizing.JFC!! I'm not good at this!
    But things are settled and we're better off than some poor sods.
    But the blog is still "live" and I hope to do an update tomorrow.
    Really pleased that you're ok after being flooded out.Thought you'd ditched the blog! (Problem seems to have been at my end when the reader thingy went kerflooey). But it's good to see you up an' rollin' Hot damn! You're worth another glass of sparkling, you are!

  2. It will smell like a used ash tray full of vodka!!!!
    Well that alone stirs some old memories!!
    Good to read that you are happily rehomed and happy!!
    Nah, not a lot going on with me - though might be kicking off an old/new hobby if I can struggle out of my procrastination suit.

  3. Hells bells! She's back - and in full "Breaking Bad" mode, it seems...

    While you were out, what have I been up to? You'll have to read a year or so's worth of blog posts for all that, my dear 🧐


    PS I've missed you!

  4. HUZZAH!!! You're bad and just as totally with it just like before you disappeared off the face of Blogville! I love you, sweetpea, but I'll not be trying that vodka brew! It's all edibles for me these days. xoxo

  5. I can't tell you how good it is to see you posting again! You always make me laugh with your stories. Please stick around and keep posting! Pretty please?

  6. Sweet Jesus Joseph and Mary with the Cherry, lambchop, just when did you sneak in the back door!?!?!?! Do you realize how much we missed your musings? And you didn't disappoint. Tincture of Roach.

    Hummmmm can that be snuck in people's coffees? I'm to be a guest at a swanky republican country you see....and I'll need some entertainment.....

  7. Dinahmow: Oh man I was so worried about you during the Fires. You can message me here at and I'd appreciate it if you would. We need to catch up, lady. I miss your art, and your golden orb weavers, and your magnificent flora. Damn now I'm sniffling. Where are you posting now?

  8. Ms Scarlet: I have been wondering wtf was going on with you. Please, I beg you, shoot me a link to your blog, or Wordpress, or whatever, at which yes, is an email, and old fashioned, but will preserve your ladylike modesty in that you won't be publishing your particulars on my rapscallion site for all and sundry to view. B get AHOLD of me!

  9. Jon! And Madame Arcati! Daaaaaamn you guys (and Madame Veichleau [sp?],as I recall, the prettiest purple rose in all the land) how I have missed you! I loved reading about the ABBA concert - if they tour that in my area I'm going to talk the Biker into getting tickets because DAMN - and the pictures of you two! SO CHIC OMGWTFBBQ. Muchas smooches!

  10. The Mistress: Ho, how you BEEN? I am stunned and rather appalled that the Freakin' Green Elf Shorts are still in circulation. Is that sanitary? And I am saddened to see that your 'In Memoriam' sidebar has grown. My heart cried to see those names. You and I have been in it for a lot of years and your continuing interest in my weirdness is my continuing delight. Get in touch if you find a mo at

  11. Savannah: LADY!!!!!! There you are! And the MITM as well, inspiration of many a fine Autumn/Winter, Bushmills in hand, cigarillo making it all fine. Get in touch at to catch up in super Secret Squirrel security mode. Or not; just continue to read and comment, I'm not a tyrant, you're an adult, we're all adults, this is a free country, do what you gotta do, I am not the boss of you. (LOVELY to read of your happiness!)

  12. Jennifer: Of all people! Goodness, you were but a neophyte reader when I dropped off the screen! I absolutely loved catching up on your blog. You are a gardener after my own heart. And those tomato choices you made were well thought out imho. I need you to keep on gardening and to keep on posting about it. I mean this. My garden was washed away; yours persists, and I rejoice in that. Know that I am, spiritually, turning your compost, and am, spiritually, weeding your beds. In fact, call a priest. NOW. My spiritual ass is all over your property.

  13. Darling! If you're reading our blogs, feel free to post a comment every so often - at least that way, we know you're still alive...

    Eventually I am sure ABBA will be taking that show on the road (given the flat-pack nature of the venue itself), but I wouldn't hold your breath it'll hit anywhere in travelling distance from you anytime soon. I reckon that if they can sustain the ticket sales as they have been right to the very end of the lease they have on the plot in Stratford in 2026, they will then either take it to Sweden (or somewhere in Europe) or - more likely given the fanbase - Australia.

    Rosa Veilchenblau? Here you go. Jx

  14. Mistress Maddie: DAMN HOW YOU DOIN???? Oh shit I have missed you so much! I can see that you're still all style holding up the Eastside for us! Get ahold of me to catch up at if you find a minute, or whatever pleases you. I know you're a busy ho.

  15. Sassybear: No way! NO FREAKIN' WAY! My Sassybear is still out there? Best links in cyberspace? Sweet as sugar candy? Look at you being all involved in the 21st century like a stud. My email is all over the comments, b. Get back to me - or just keep on reading!
