Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Welcome Bang Bang Happiness Boat: Very 6

What a pleasure it's been to catch up with y'all!  And look at you all still keeping the faith!  My heartfelt thanks and gratitude, folks.

See, I do this. Big tramautic shit happens, and I jump ship for a year.  And I don't see it as a charming foible either; it's not an attribute I am proud of in any way.  Still, there it is - I retreat to my Rancho of Solitude and go incommunicado.  Even with the outside world.

How this has fucked me well and truly this time around is that, between me crawling into a hole and pulling it after me, and two years of Covid, I am now three years out of date. On everything.

That's a lot these days, come to find out.

I went on a news blackout.  Oh, a few things slipped in (I've been following the slowly sinking plague ship that is Trump and all he claims with the greatest imaginable enjoyment), but on the main I just didn't keep up.  Dang. Some shit happened out there.  And you folks are getting around!  Ikea-ABBA concerts and trans-world romps, pun intended if you so desire, and babies and graduations and new love affairs - wow!

Me?  I  

1. Re-examined and finally altered my study objectives,

My hero. Been studying his life and times for over twenty years. No shit. Me. Your secret Italian Renaissance specialist. Yup.  


2. Began reading 'The Classics' in a serious way.

And you know what?  I'm happy.  To be able to devote whole, uninterrupted days to my study interests is the most satisfying thing I've done in years.  I can't garden anymore, but dammit, I can still grow my brain.  

I am reading all the classics, too, like The Epic of Gilgamesh and shit like that, not just English lit, because the Earth is round and covered in people and has been for a longass time and I need to read the words of all the people.  They have important things to say. 

Looking forward to the Tale of Genji. Fuckin' A right, I know how to party.   

I'm glad I waited until I was in my sixties to hit 'The Classics' because I would not have had the necessary context laid down in order for some of this to slot into place. For instance, I just finished 'Silas Marner.'  If I'd had to read that back in High School -when U.S. kids of my generation were traditionally made to choke down 'Moby Dick' 'The Mill On The Floss' 'Beowulf' and all things Jane Austen - I would have thrown Silas across the fucking room. and said screw English Literature. Give me drugs. NOW.  I would have grown up good for nothing but lying on a couch eating Cheetos and dipshitting around on my phone because my brain would be a vast empty wilderness full of vast emptiness.

And Cheetos. Yuck. Rather have a mouthful of dick than Cheetos.  Wouldn't you?    

I won't bore you with my reading list. But one thing I have determined after numerous dips into the pool is I SURE IN THE FUCK plan to avoid Jane Austen because NO. 

This is exactly the kind of content I turn to when I want to be entertained - the facile doings of a bunch of self-conscious high-school soshes with too much money, in a Regency setting.

I read Jane Eyre, it was good, and that's all the rural minor nobility/ class struggle/ dance of manners and taste I need for the rest of my goddamn life.  Have I tried reading Austen? Yes. Many times, over the years. And many times over the years, Jane Austin took a flying lesson across the room. Bam hit the wall every time. Fuck Jane Austin.  Now Oscar Wilde? OH YES INDEED. Come here you Stephen Frye-looking mad bastard you.  Charles Dickens?  Just about anybody else?  Get on in here!  Group hug! 

Heady stuff, I know. Working up a sweat here just thinking of all that page-turning and shit.


Here's your assignment:  Tell me about your hobbies in the comments!  I mean yeah, tender the usual praise and worship but I'd love to know about all the illegal shit you're up to. Or even if it's perfectly legal; I don't care! G'head!


             DINAHMOW! HOW THE Freakin' Freak DO I GET AHOLD OF YOU????

            Both of you please shoot me a viable link. I miss y'alluns.


  1. "Rather have a mouthful of dick than Cheetos. Wouldn't you? "


    There's your question about "hobbies" addressed, right there. Jx

    PS I left "the classics" behind after I'd studied them to A-Level (High School Diploma in the US), I never really looked back. I've always been more of a non-fiction type, myself...

  2. Jon: You sweet ho. Nothing like a warm, heartfelt kielbasa in the morning. It tastes like victory. As to de classics, yes. I too would rather read nonfiction all the day long, because even if it's opinion, it's someones heartfelt opinion, right? And you can learn shit. Shit is always good to learn. But I set myself this goal years ago, and I'm sticking with it. I've had some core beliefs - may I say it, prejudices? - challenged and defeated in this way, and I've been glad of the opportunity. Dude - what's your favorite book???????? Serious as a heart attack. I really want to know! Ask M. Arcadi too!

  3. Well, I can't top Jon's comment.(I agree, of course, but from a slightly different perspective!) so I'll just mention that I tried a couple of Ms Austen's tomes and then...then , I ditched them.

    I told Scarlet you are on the hunt for her...
    PS. Not that you are back, you will stay to entertain us, yes???

  4. I have sent you an email, Ms Nations!!!

    Meanwhile, I think I did sling Silas across the room - although I might one day re read The Mill on the Floss, as I did that at school and it annoyed the hell out of me.
    I am reading Jonathan Coe at the moment. He is my favourite author.
    Today I have been pondering how to soothe a suicidal tinnitus sufferer - I don't think it can be done, and he will have to rant himself out before he accepts any help.
    Tomorrow I am going to the dentist.
    Long term, I am trying to develop a drawing habit because I'm bored with calligraphy.

  5. Have you ever read this quote about Austen by Mark Twain?

    "I haven't any right to criticise books, and I don't do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticise Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can't conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Everytime I read 'Pride and Prejudice' I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone.
    - Letter to Joseph Twichell, 13 September 1898

    I feel exactly the same way! I can't stand Pride and Prejudice. Some of my book club friends think I'm insane, but I don't know how they stomach the stuff. To each their own, I guess.

  6. You don't us or the rest of the world anything, so disappear for as long as you want.

    But we hope you'll always come back, at least for a little why.

    Oh, and I'm totes Team Dick!


  7. Hobbies? What are my hobbies? I spend my days watching "The Thick of It" and working on my fucking cursing because I want to be as fluent as Malcolm Tucker when I see fuckers I don't like on TV! Yeah, I watch the news to curse out asswipes who claim to be fucking patriots! Yeah, that's my hobby. Also, I do embroidery and read mystery novels, sweetpea. xoxo

  8. I've missed you and I'm so happy to see signs of life from you! You know I'm just down I-90 and over the hump on 522, dear. You can reach me at my natureledlife@gmail if you ever need me.

    I don't know that I'd call lockpicking a hobby, but I'm quite good at it with a classic metal bobby pin. When I was a bored young rural girl we'd ride horses to abandoned homesteads and have a look around. I should write a quick blog post about the craziest one.I used to belong to the Fremont drum school. I miss being part of a drum circle. I feel a bit incomplete not having that spirit drumming kind of connection anymore. Just before the pandemic I'd gotten a Bodhran with the intent to join an Irish-ish kinda band. A Pogues cover band would be fun!

  9. I'm not sure I really have hobbies any more. Reading is a need, of course, but the things I used to do for pleasure are lost. However, let's not dwell on that. What I'll do in my spare time over the next week or two is shovel cow muck on the vegetable garden, get to grips with my new electric bike and rod out the kitchen drain.

  10. Dinahmow: I am trying to be back as back as I can back. I can't promise I'll always be entertaining but I can promise that I'll be sweary, tasteless and obscure. XXOO

  11. Ms. Scarlet: You CAN'T give up calligraphy! You're brilliant at calligraphy! I was so jealous of your skills you can't even. I mean yes, get into drawing. You can't go wrong there. But my darling, you have such a refined hand...I used to do a lot of calligraphy lo these many years gone past, and while I was good, you have THE TOUCH. Or wait - I'm not the boss of you. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Fly free, young hawk. Good luck at the dentist, and all good vibes go toward your anonymous tintinnitus sufferer. XXOO

  12. Jennifer: I knew there was a reason I loved Mark Twain! What a fantastic quote! Your book club ladies can eat a bowl of...well. They can eat a bowl of whatever they like. To each their own crappy taste. I am jonesing for tales from your garden. As the great Audrey II once said, 'FEED ME!"

  13. Breenlantern/Sassybear: TEAM DICK! TEAM DICK! TEAM DICK! TEAM DICK!
    -although I also have to send up a cheer for the ladies. TEAM TITTIES! TEAM TITTIES! TEAM TITTIES! TEAM TITTIES!
    Whew. That wore me out! I need beer. Loving you is easy 'cuz your beautiful.

  14. Savannah: Sounds like you need the services of the mighty IAN MARTIN! Or perhaps the celebrated Roger Melly (The Man On The Telly) author of Viz Magazines'Profanisaurus' (which I own because I'm super cool.) Magnificent swears are necessary in this day and age, particularly if you're shouting at the television, which I do - to the point that I'm sure the upstairs neighbors must think I have coprolaliac Tourettes. Fuck'em.// So cool that you do embroidery too! I just finished a bunch of psychedelic turtle squares for a quilt I'm doing for the Biker. It's funny how my hands lose all their stiffness when I'm holding a needle and thread. I would LOVE seeing examples of your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 XXOO

  15. ProximaBlue: You are eclectic as HELL. A drum circle! That is so Northwest! I know some drum circle people, and they seem to live right along the NW coastline, from Humboldt County to Alaska. It's supposed to be a huge rave thing up in the fish packing camps - they use plastic pickle buckets and pieces of rounded-off driftwood. They find a vacant freight container and hold these huge drum circle/rave things in the middle of winter that are a mix of Native dance and trance, and they call it 'Caveman.' Holy shit, look at you, all cutting-edge! And then you go pick locks and scope out abandoned buildings. Dammit, you are an official member of the Flatbutt Tribe. This I so declare. XXOO

  16. Z: Holy crap Zed. There you are next to your Saxon burial ground, in your ABSOLUTELY AWESOME Tudor house, with your choice table linens and service and gorgeous blue and white collectable tableware that I forgot the name of. From this side of the world it looks cool as hell, lady.
    Crappy drains are now the bane of my existence too. I live in an apartment block where all the pipes are shared - and I live on the bottom floor. Man,I go through drain opener like grass through a goose in this joint.
    Electric bikes are huge here in Bellingham WA. Will I get one? After the debacle with my Virago....probably no.
    Cow muck? The Biker just sold my truck, finally; and in cleaning it out, he found a 'dairy bubble' (which is basically a round marble made of cow shit and mycorhyzia, hard as a rock) in one of the bed pockets that he presented to me like a diamond fuckin' diamond ring. Come over and shovel some cow muck on HIM.
