Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Secrets Revealed!

 OK this is just between you and me. I am going to show you a few of pictures of Our Hangout. It's super crusty and old. 

Tourists fear it.  

That's important. 

This is the view from Our Table.

Many tasty beverages on hand. Yes I see the kiddie shit too; just ignore it and look instead to the Famous Grouse. Can you spot it?

Grunge Is Alive And Well corner:

View the quaint native costume of the Bellinghamster!  (Some of you will have difficulty doing this.)

Backstory:  for the first time this year we had a sunny, pleasant Saturday, and so the Biker and I went forth to explore the pop-ups, food trucks and brewpubs because that is what one does here. Mainly the brewpubs because BEER. Everywhere we went, everybody of every flavor was wearing this uniform:

To wit:  Tore the fuck up t-shirts, ugly footwear, shorts (yeah I see the two guys in longhandles, sue me) and a cap of some kind.  Sprinkled throughout were variations on this person:

And this person is wearing a hoodie with a hat that has little animal ears.  This person is also wearing an animal tail tied to their beltloop. 

All of us are sitting in the lobby of what was formerly a Chinese restaurant and is now a pop-up burger joint.  They put out a really, really delicious burger, too.  Prime Bellinghamster-spotting location, as you can see.  Sadly I did not bring my phone or I could show you more pictures just like this one! Aw bummer! but The Biker was kind enough to sneak these for me. 

Have you ever wanted to see what nine dehydrated limes look like?  Here ya go:

Chubby hand for scale.  Lime is something we use quite a bit of in Thai and Mexican recipes. The difference between the correct lime for those recipes and the one we have available here is of intensity, acidity and aroma - and Ta Daaaaa! my 1973 dehydrator comes to the rescue and saves me mucho cashola on kaffir or Key limes.  The secret:  use those small 'cocktail' limes, and let them get a little dried out first.  This does two things - decreases the acidity and eradicates the white pithy stuff almost entirely. Contact me for more Lime Secrets.

  Does anyone out there remember the name of the little diaper mousie ^^^ that used to hang around with Jerry?  I could go online and look it up, I guess, but I wanted to see if you were pregnant.


  1. Looks like the sort of bar that should have a beaded curtain, from behind which Marlene Dietrich in a black wig should emerge... I spotted the Famous Grouse, yes - but I also spotted the Tanqueray Gin!

    You won't be seeing Mistresses MJ or Maddie down Bellingham way any time soon, once they spot the eau de Nile-coloured Crocs on show. And hats with animal ears? Gawd help the future of this world... Jx

    PS Not sure why I'd ever want to have dehydrated limes in the house, but I'm glad you found the method.
    PPS I'm not pregnant, despite my ever-burgeoning belly!

    1. OO Tanqueray! What's your cocktail - or do ya drink it neat???

    2. Give me a proper tonic (never "diet"!), ice and lime and I'm happy, although I have been known to imbibe a Pink Gin (Angostura bitters and a dash of water) now and then... Jx

  2. What kind of pussy tourists do you get that fear such a charming looking joint? I too am not pregnant.

    1. The kind of tourists who fail to understand that Bellingham is very liberal, very low-key, and (as my dear friend Sid Lyman used to say) as gay as pink ink. Folks send their kids to the university here and come to visit them expecting to find a clearing in the woods with a few log cabins scattered about; log trucks and dirt roads and cattle roaming the streets. What they get is 22 brewpubs within the city limits and grown people getting along with each other. I LOVE it here!!

  3. I remember a bar that looked like that in Southend - called The Sun Rooms.
    I'm not pregnant, and I'm determined not to look up on the internet what that mouse's name is!!!
    P.S Yes, I did spot the Famous Grouse!

    1. I would love to visit the Sun Rooms! And I saw where you looked up the diaper mousie. Many thanks! (Good to hear that I'm not the only person not pregnant around here. Well, me and Jon. )

  4. Nibbles (also known as Tuffy) is a fictional character from the Tom and Jerry cartoon series. He is the little, blue/gray, diaper-wearing orphan mouse whose cartoon debut came in the 1946 short The Milky Waif.
    You made me do it!!!

    1. Oh thank you! Tom and Jerry are my favorite cartoon. I was watching some online and it struck me that I had no idea what that characters' name was. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle.

  5. Are you sure those are limes? At first glance I thought they were something...smokeable! Ha!

    1. Hey you! Haven't seen you around in awhile! You need to stop by more often! Anyway yeah, now that you point it out it does look like bud, but no...it's just blenderized limes that have been dehydrated and now await being pulverized into dust.

  6. Whoa, my comment disappeared! I posted that I missed a good dive bar, sweetpea. xoxo

    1. No way Gidget! Man, I do not picture you and TMITM as 'dive bar' people. I see you two running down Carnaby Street in Mary Quant His 'n' Hers, a shoplisted bottle of Gilby's Gin each. You guys are MOD AS FUCK.

    2. I read your comment to the MITM and he almost fell out of bed laughing! I'm not sure if was because you called me Gidget or b ecause you thought we were MOD AS FUCK! (right time period, wrong genre) xoxo

  7. I didn't spot the Famous Grouse because my eye immediately went to Knob Creak (and the the BIG GIN)! Then I quickly scrolled past the Croc in case The Very Mistress is lurking about keeping tabs, and found myself alternately mesmerised and aghast at a bad of dessicated snot.
    Limes you say? Well I never!
