Monday, January 20, 2025

Time to chill


  It's time to chill and get my tits together, y'all    


Now I love an indoor Inauguration as much as the next person, but I'd feel a lot better about this one if this bitch >>>

lovelovelove kizzeskizzeskizzes

  ...were the ho about to get the Golden Presidential sceptre/Bamix.  

 Because Lady Bunny is NOT going to be the next President, I am expecting the next four years to be retrograde fucking progress for 3/4 of the citizens of the world, because it's still a sad but true-ism:  whither goeth the USA shalt the rest of the hithers go.  




Were you thinking of car detailing as a nice side hustle?
Consider the downside before you invest!

"Just a sec," sang Dee "Judy's checking out my rack!"

"Here's a wet-wipe," said Desiree. "Now try to act surprised when they get here." 

      Last summer (what evocative words!) I purchased a number of very carefully selected books that I was going to read over this Winter. Have I read them?  I've read one.
You wanna see a picture of the rest?

  All those books stacked up on the floor ^^^. And no, I didn't stand around and wait for the TV to float me a provocative bit of subtitling - it just did it itself.    

So yeah. 

You know what I have read?  A lot of vintage Sci-Fi, is what. Lummox-heavy, female-denigrating, actually-bullet-shaped-rockets with little fireworks-fins on them spaceship-flying Science Fiction, 
- oh and let's not forget! SCIENTIFICALLY FUCKING WRONG science fiction. With bad illustrations.
Ate that shit up.
Oh and hand me that complete Riverworld collection.

Another thing I did was get way into a genre of music known as Yacht Rock.  
"Holy God Olaf we are rockin' in the free world on this yacht."
"Yes Ivy, this is the Good Life indeed, with a capital 'Cocaine'.  It's why I shaved my legs."

Yacht Rock is 1970's - early 1980's happy, poppy rock that did not require you to sit in a dark room with a bunch of candles going, but did require that you have a shit-ton of posters and they were of peace signs, mushrooms and wizards. 
Hello I'm k d lang.  

Top yacht Rock groups are Hall and Oates, CSNY, Toto, and Ambrosia.
The song "Baby Come Back" by Player is a Yacht Rock anthem.
The song "How Deep Is Your Love" by the BeeGees is quintessentially Yachty in tone.
Anything by Atlanta Rhythm Section is Yacht Rock.
Why the yacht?  Because. 

Picture it.  It's 1978. It is a beautiful day. You don't have any communicable diseases, and you're hanging out on your yacht. It is quite possible that you've had a couple of cocktails and the hint of a spliff; and you need some tunes, and "Oh hey dude leave this on, I love this song by Firefall/Toto/ Little River Band...."
Listen to the whales. 
Scrape some barnacles off your hull.
Yacht Rock.


                In direct competition with Jon, I present my own Camp As Tits video selection:  
                                   Yachty as fuck 
                                             FATHER FIGURE 
                                                          by George Michaels

Yeah!  I can feel that tide rising, kids. The gulls are calling and the buoys are rockin'! Other nautical puns! Now if you will excuse me I am going to hang out on this yacht and pretend that Trump isn't president again! DAMMIT OLAF BRING ME A NEGRONI 


  1. I know lady Bunny and adore her, but Heavens forbid she became president. On the other hand she would probably make it mandatory we all have fabulous wigs, go go boys as an accessory, and will single-handedly bring disco and mod Fashions back. On second thoughts I'm in

  2. Love those 1950s ads! I may have contributed a dollop or two towards one of 'em.

    I raise you that pile of unread books by at least five-fold...

    Yacht Rock! You will love this - Katie Puckrik presents A Yacht Rock Odyssey. Jx

  3. Is a Bayliner close enough? My family often went boating and fishing on the weekends and there was always a lot of Nitty Gritty Dirt band being played. So, here's me closing my eyes, laying on the front of the boat as it gently rocks to the waves listening to Mr. Bojangles. Like I'm nine years old and its 1984 again on Priest Lake, Idaho.

  4. I think of Yacht Rock as the music bars that Would Not Let Me In would have been playing.

  5. I think the next 4 years will be best spent with your nose in a book - you are well prepared!
    I think the 70s and 80s misled us into believing our futures would feature yachts and lots of glamour hence why I am now perpetually disappointed!!
    I also love the 50s ads!!

  6. HOLD ON, HOLD ON, HOLD ON!! CSNY is considered fucking yacht rock??? *Jesus wept* Love the 50s ads, sweetpea. I have blogged again, so fucking stop by! xoxo

  7. You started with Velvet smooth and full of Spunk
    You ended with George Michael !
    I say no more.
