Saturday, February 24, 2024

Combustion Normal Frog 5000 Times

 Yesterday, the frongs began singing in the woods. I opened my bedroom window and froze my shabadoos off just so I could lie there in bed and listen to them croaking. Which is not to say they were deceasing. No no. They was singing


I am not one of those people who is squicked out by flogs. I like them a lot. If they hop on me, I am all "Rock on lil' goggie" and I am cheerful because a frug has seen fit to land on my surface; and I try and aim him or her towards a patch of nice damp cover so it has a comfortable place to escape to when it has realized its error/smelled the patchouli. 

I have had quite a lot of gogs jump onto me, in fact, because I used to garden, and I got right down in there up el-close and personal with the dirt. That's where the flugs hang out, dude. 

This is a fnorg.  And in case you lost the instructions for your flbog, here you go:  

There is no difference between frogs and toads.  None. They're all frogs. I learned this off Wikipedia.


Two samurai and Woody Allen as far as I can make out    

I have three post ideas in mind. What would you like to see first?

1. The Shit Ditch - How You Find Where 'The Other Side Of The Tracks' Was In A Pioneer Settlement (featuring the first video I've ever made!!!  It's of a shit ditch.) If I can figure out how to get a video off my phone and onto this blog!

2. We go thrift shopping in Lynden, with photos!

3. Hunts Tomato Sauce Cookbook, 1976  (includes brown sugar used in unspeakable ways) with photos!

You better vote.
I mean it.


  1. #2 please which in reality is the Shit Ditch video!! xoxo

  2. Nope can't do it sweet cheeks! I can't not stand frogs or toads. Lord knows I date enough of prince yet....and to my dismay the last two summer have had a garden toad!!!!! I have no idea whence it came, as there is no water source or pond close by.

    That said, when I live in Bucks County and had my pied de terre at the woods edge, there was a stream. I will admit loving to hearing the wood and cricket frogs symphonies at night. At least till the foxes started their screaming.

    1. Oh!!!! And I'm a queen, so I'm always up for shopping before any shit take place.

    2. Aw! Our lil' amphiblous buddies lub you even iffen you don't shlub them, sweetcheex. Give' em a lil' smooch. See if they don't rear back on their hind legs and smerch you back - that's how magic worx.

  3. Oh, I like frogs and toads - they eat all the slugs and other nasties. Haven't seen one in years as we don't have and ponds or water sources near enough to Dolores Delargo Towers #4, unfortunately.

    As for the next blog topic - #2 SHOPPING! Jx

  4. I want Brown Sugar.

    A Free Franconian

    1. Aha! You're no schoolboy but you know what you like! (super secret smooches my fine franconian!)

  5. Thrift shopping please, hopefully in a piss soaked run-down supermarket.

    1. I am so sorry; I cannot provide the piss soaked-ness, but I can provide the oblivious Ultra-Right thrift exxxperience. Wilco, Roger.

  6. ProximaBlue Here! Google's being an ass.

    I like the sound of all three posts. Maybe Brown sugar in unspeakable ways first? Then thrift? Then end up in the shit ditch? Sounds like a proper Western WA bender right there! ;)

    1. Ah, I forghett - you live daily the dreem that is the PNW. Looks like it's shaping up to be a thrift shopping kinda post next, but never phaer...

  7. I'm all for the thrift one too. You can open blogger on your phone, create a post and then move your video

    1. Peenee you are a djentleman and a shofar. Thank you for the methode, mom frere. I will get right on this shit.

  8. To late to vote but I would have gone for the Tomato Sauce Cookbook, 1976 - Wow!
    brown sugar used in unspeakable ways - how low down and sexy is that !
    with photos! - well they are bound to be a bit saucy aren't they!
    I also love frogs, they are adorable as long as they are not too close to my person.
