Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Nude Hammer Combat

Here's an ill-considered post.

Every single year since I can remember, California has suffered catastrophic flooding. Every single year. Streets awash, houses collapsing, houses sliding down hillsides, all that. Every. Single. Year.

Every single year, ________________________ (fill in with Southern/Midwestern state of choice) experiences horrific tornadoes. Entire towns are wiped off the map. People, livestock, swept away, dead, gone. Financial ruin. Power outages, fires, gas leaks, chemical spills, all follow in the wake.

Every single year, the Northeast has crippling blizzards that bring huge metropolises to a complete stop. Everyone goes out in their Yugos, Kias, and Ford Festivas and does doughnuts on the freeway and crash, and freeze to death and get covered in snow.

Wow look! This is a radish that looks like a butt!  Bring up 'figging' now. I dare you.   

Locally, Skagit County floods every single winter, and always the same area; the same families and businesses are annually rescued off their roofs, out of the attics and from trees, millions of dollars go into cleanup and then those same-ass people move right back in to the same stupid fucking place. 

This is happening right now in Sumas. 

My capacity to give a rusty rat's ass about it is just about kaput.

Gratuitous and non-sequitur wiener goofiness   

It's difficult not to throw out a lot of 'Why can't they just' solutions.  I know that people have different reasons for why they might be economically tied to a certain place, or why it might be difficult to plan ahead. I am not talking about them. I am talking about when it's an entire region! When it's the rich, the poor and everyone in between going through the same cataclysmic thing year after year and making absolutely no provision for the future, changing nothing, moving back into the same place, living in the same flood plain, on the same earthquake fault, squarely in the path of the same extreme storms, throwing up more tilt-up buildings and mobile homes and....I mean come on!


This is a rubber fishie toy! If you squish it the eyes bloop out.  

My ill-considered comment on this is, maybe forego the Lexus this year and throw some money into improving your property with an eye to the fucking future. Four-wheel drive vehicles for you snowbirds. Reinforced cast concrete is a good thing. Raise those foundations.   Or hey, maybe take that look into the future and realize the environmental cards are stacked against you and SELL. Freaking leave. Move away

I find that particularly in the Midwest, there is a 'Storm Rider' mindset going on.  As though subjecting yourself to easily-avoided, disastrous annual setbacks is a virtue.  It isn't. You aren't a fine specimen of a hardy breed. You're an idiot

When disaster is normalized, this is what you get:

Natural disaster is inevitable in California. And it can define a governor’s legacy - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

It's like living in a woodchipper that just spits you out and then sucks you back in, while all the businesses aimed at relief and re-building winnow out an annual cycle of economic return. 

Meanwhile you think you're quite the hardcore soul indeed as you keep feeding yourself into the hopper. 

Mobile Homes vs Tornados - Home Nation


Well I'm glad I got that off my chest. Now here's a thing.

Try not to think about it too hard.       


You want to see change?  Write in your vote:

Write In Chthulhu (youcanwritein.com)


  1. I'm very grateful we live in the UK, where such things obviously never happen.

    {{{Maniacal hysterical laughter}}}


  2. And I live in Australia, where suc...hang on!

    1. Australians are harder by a factor of ten than the rest of the worlds' peoples though. You used to get saltwater crocodiles in your back yard and it barely rated a mention! whereas I see a squirrel looking in through the back sliders and have a big ol' online cow about it.

  3. "Whack 'em with your willy and knock 'em silly!" HA!! You always find the best pictures to go with your posts.

    1. Can you imagine being at someones' bachelorette party and someone whips out this game? I would excuse myself, because NO.

  4. Last summer was the best summer ever! We had NO WILDFIRE SMOKE! My plants were finally able to get a deep drink of water and recover from years of drought. I really hope we can get a repeat of last summer, but this year is already being weird. I have gotten so much done in the yard these last few days and it's FEBRUARY!

    1. It's been noticeble, hasn't it? No more soot all over everything? No more stunted leaves on all the plants? I can hardly wait for Spring!

  5. After reading this I shall now, not be buying a house in Skagit County anytime soon.
    Your Beer Can Chicken is the stuff of nightmares by the way.
