The most amazing thing has happened to me. Absolutely amazing. Utterly amazing.
OK so I wrote that last post, and I was all verklempt, because writing that 'memoriam' had taken a lot out of me. You can tell that I was rattled when I posted. The writing is not well thought out and I'm all over the place. That whole fucked-up 'thing' that had been hanging over my life gave me a last few feeble kicks that evening, is what happened.
I slept out the last of it in some sad dreams that night.
I woke up the next morning and began my day, and did my ordinary stuff, and then, as it closed in on 2:30 in the afternoon
It was the most astounding sensation you can imagine. When people say 'the weight of the world suddenly lifted off my shoulders' that shit is literally what it feels like. It is a real sensation. Everything slowed down, one, two, three, as a huge, huge, huge psychic weight simply rose up off me and dissipated.
Today I am still walking around in that astounding head space. Everything looks bigger. The world feels wide open. I can see everything.
Years ago, I fell in love at first sight, and that is exactly what this feels like - minus the falling in love part, but the feeling of all the doors and windows of the world being opened.
Pastrami on rye with kosher dill pickles: Peak spiritual experience
So you know what I did? I pulled the trigger on that Star Trek Cooking manual.
Fuck yeah. I'm worth it.
Hallelujah! Jx