Tuesday, October 17, 2023

For Mr. Peenee

 Wow that last post, huh?  What a trip!  You probably think my ass was high.  Nope.  I'm going to get right on that, though.  

Kleek heer to heer da plangent tones ob Babymaaaaaaaaaaan:

babyman "High like a fly" - YouTube


OK.  Here's what happened. I had a post in mind, and to me at that time it seemed only moderately scary and like something I could treat lightly.  So I went on a search around the Internet for my ex-husband's picture, found a recent one, and scared the living shit out of myself over the period of a day.

My ex-husband was not a wonderful guy. He did crimes. He did bad crimes.  Thing was, the guy was all charm. He had everybody snowed.  

Plus, he looked like Troye Sivan:

No, I do not exaggerate.    

...and between the charm and the angelic features nobody believed that he could possibly be guilty of anything.  

He was.  

He was guilty of a lot of things in fact.  One of those things was attempted murder. Of me.  Which sucked.

I ended up in the emergency room.  By the time they found me a bed in a womens' shelter, the police had already questioned my ex-husband once; and they were still on his trail when his mommy snuck him out of the country. While he was on a bicycle tour of Europe, then, I was back in Seattle with no money, a newborn baby on my hip, moving through a succession of battered womens shelters until I found a studio apartment that accepted AFDC tenants.  Every now and then over the next year I'd get a visit from the police asking me if I was ab-so-lute-ly certain-sure, really-fo-feely sure, now, that I wasn't just hiding him. *

Why all the police interest?  

You see, he was under suspicion in the Green River murders.* 


So when I found a recent picture of him online I was taken aback.  There he was, and he not only didn't look much the worse for wear, he looked like a kindly little old gnome. 

I am, however, stoked as hell that he's 1. Sixty  and 2. Balding.

And that's what I get when I try and do a damn theme month.** 


* Note:  He wasn't guilty of the Green River Murders.

**The last time the police visited me I told them that if I ever saw my ex-husband again I'd be the one they'd be arresting because I'd stick a pair of scissors through the little bastards throat. And I might have been really classy about it and called them ten stacks of motherfuckers and shouted and thrown shoes, and slammed the door on them and a host of other impolitic things like that. 

Hey, they quit bothering me. 

 I ask you, though. Was I hiding him. 



  1. Well thank heavens you got away from that bastard!!!!!! And your life is much better, and for that, we will have another drink!!!! Cheers!

  2. I get annoyed with myself when I spend days looking up stuff about people that I oughtn’t. I always end up fretting.
    Anyhow, I’m pleased you got rid of this sociopath.

  3. whatever happened to the charge of attempted murder? Even if mommy shuffled him out of town, did it just sort of fade away?

    1. It just sort of faded away. The police visited me exactly once about the attempted murder charge. By that time he was probably in Switzerland. There was a new law in effect in Seattle at the time - both parties in a domestic dispute got hauled in and booked by the P.D. Really. Nobody could be bothered to enforce this bullshit, although it is notable that I had a babysitter all lined up in case the police decided to haul me in. I pressed the matter, but was met with no interest whatsoever. They decided to let it time out, and so there ya go. It is important to note that he was married a second time, had two more kids, and then was looted and pillaged by his wife in the divorce. Yeahhhhhh, that warms the cockles of my black, black heart!

  4. I'm back, just so you know. You have lead a most interesting life, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. Savannah, you know you've lead the more interesting life. Those days in Monaco! Those nights in Paris! Those afternoons in Madrid, running with the bulls!

    2. Only 2 out of 3 are true, sweetpea! You're still the star. xoxo

  5. Well, I'm glad I got the recap here as I am very late to the party. Do you have Netflix? Did you see The Maid? Shit, did you write The Maid? Naw, she moved to Missoula, MT, but there are too many of us...I found watching it to be cathartic. Mister ProximaBlue watched it with me. He's always been supportive of women's rights, but he never really truly got it you know. There's always the "Well, why can't you just XYZ?" I think he has a better understanding now that the world if very different for the ~Not-White Men~ people.

    I'm sorry you had to go through that! Hugs to you!

    Have you read Red Paint by Sasha LaPointe? Very, very good! I laughed and cried and said "Fuck yeah!" which I rarely do, especially when reading.

    1. I remember when The Maid was still posting online and taking crap for smoking! Her story was current when I was living in Sumas. My daughter gave me her http and told me to comment, but my thought was that shit's behind me. I totally defend her use of tobacco. There was a time when I too needed a depressant, and was too poor to buy anything decent. Tobacco did the trick. Hell, she and I may veryn well have crossed paths. We went to the same Co-Op (Mt. Vernon) and we both worked for fly by night housecleaning contractors too!

  6. Ah, so that's what the previous post was all about! Blimey, a murderous Troye Sivan-a-like is more than a a bit much. That he turned into a gnome isn't really a fitting punishment. A stone garden gnome in prime position for dogs' leg cocking, would be a start...
