Saturday, October 7, 2023

Welcome to October: The Mild


1. The Light Eater

I loved the cartoon Johnny Quest when I was young.  Of course this was a 'boys' cartoon. As soon as the theme music began playing my parents would begin urging me to go outside and play and "quit watchin' boys stuff, that ain't fa' you." Oh but let me hasten to correct your asses. It was as far as I was concerned.  

So I had to hide my tears of terror when this goddamn thing crawled across the TV screen:

This thing can go die right now. I hate this thing. No. Ack. I'm hiding. Ew.

It must have been the combination of the ominous backing music and the single eyeball, or it's overall ghostly appearance, but that one episode of Johnny Quest gave me nightmares for years. I just now watched that clip play through and be damned if I didn't get the chills again.  NOT BANDIT!  NOOOOOOO!

2. It's a jawline, Myrtle, not the Berlin Wall

I adore Kelly Osbourne. I do.  But I do not adore her makeup artist.

No no no no no no no.  No no.  Nothing creeps me out like seeing someone whose face and neck are not the same color.   It is HORRIBLE.
Why does this bother me so?
Remember when I told you that my family were caretakers of a cemetery? Because of that fact, and because my parents were themselves quite old, I've been to a metric shit-ton of funerals in my life, most of them between the ages of 6 - 12. All of them for very elderly people. And....
You fill in the blank.  I'll give you a hint. It's....


Now that everyone is famous for fifteen minutes you see this horrible offence on the faces of the living, and if you have a Fahrenheit 451-sized television like we do, it's always a shock. All the pores, all the blemishes, all the bad, bad decisions.  Particularly in 80's TV shows. Go check and see if I'm not right! It's like they hired makeup artists from the days of black and white to save money or something. 

Go here for more atrocities!  Or just to read my favorite title (#25)


3. The History Chef.  

Mmmmm. Chips and Mayo!

History Chef has a very informative show. I've watched it for awhile - on my laptop. 

History Chef works hard for his followers. He has a pleasant voice and good content. And I was happy. Until one day I found him while doing an idle search on my Fahrenheit 451 TV. "Well my goodness! There's his sassy cheffy fanny!" I rejoiced (or words to that effect) and tuned in.

Only to discover that History Chef is a red battlefield of cracked, flaking, oozing eczema. 


  1. Kelly Osbourne is far more horrid than a light eater or an oozing chef, in my opinion. Jx

  2. Have you seen the Harvey Birdman episode where Race sues Dr. Quest for custody of the boys and makes clear the homo subtext of their relationship? One of my favorites.

  3. The Kardashians are such a mess. And then Ryan Murphy had to go and put Miss Big Ass on American Horror Story and ruin it. Ah, me thinks the show has run its course. What a lousy season.

    Never saw Johny Quest but a adore anything Edward Gorey

    1. Do the Kardashians even qualify as human these days? (Just the thought of Big Ange lying in state makes me feel all eely. GAAH)

  4. Thank you for introducing me to 'Johnny Quest' I had not heard of him before. The music was fab for a kids cartoon.

    I love to see a lady that has taken time and and effort with her maquillage but when it's wrong it's very wrong and the woman in question looks like a tart not a lady.

    I have never heard of the 'History Chef' either. I didn't find him on a google search but while doing the search I did find all kind of fascinating stuff. I was lost down various rabbit holes of interestingness for a good hour.

    I think we call what you call chips, we call crisps and I thought it was just me that liked them with Mayo. Try a crisps and mayo sandwich, pure squalid debauchery.

    1. I am sorry to have lead you astray: History Chef is not his actual title. His channel is here -
      ...and while I still watch him, I have to look away at the close up beauty shots where he's holding a fried shrimp in one of his claws. Because no. Just no.

  5. I now NEED a crisp and mayo sandwich [plus optional fish finger] to recover from the confusion all the bad make-up caused.
