Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I Am TOO A Robot

 Blogger has that stupid 'prove you're not a robot' thing.  Dammit, I feel highly insulted when I have to prove that I'm not a robot.  I absolutely want to be a robot. If I had the chance; hell yeah, download me into that sucker! And give me the full extra attachments package! Robots are excellent!

Yes.  I've seen all the Transformer movies at least twice, and the first one about six times so far because it has the best, full-metal-nerd robot battle sequences EVAH.  When they're kicking footholds out of the sides of buildings and diving in as one iteration and doing rolling midair transformations in multiple planes and shit - I just let those fight sequences go, hit 'back' and let it roll again a couple of times, hitting pause a lot, (Thank you, Netflix!) just to deal with all the incredible, imaginative, awesome detail that goes into every single second!  There were some genius nerds in on that shit!  

I saw the first three Transformer in the theater, which is really what they're meant for, that big screen experience, and I was losing my mind right along with my grandson, much to the embarrassment of my husband.  All the little kids screaming and cheering there in the dark and this one lone adult female screaming right along with them; fine, I know, I get it, but still. Robots.  It was robots having a full on roboto a' roboto free for all in the middle of a city, people. Trash entertainment simply does not get any better than that!


Why does Samuel L. Jackson appear in so many movies wearing an eyepatch? 

Why does the Klingon general in 'The Undiscovered Country' have an eyepatch? (albeit a leather one that's nailed into his skull, which is totally what a Klingon would do, but still, it's the future. Get that shit rectified.)

Why do so many Special Ops team leaders in action movies wear an eyepatch?  You'd think you'd want the guy who dodged that bullet to lead you, right?  The one with full 20/20 vision?

These are the things I ponder.


Nature note:  The fish continue to migrate across the road about a mile away from here.  The Bejewelled Biker has pictures of them swimming around in the flooded blueberry field, waiting for their turn to cross the road at the flooded place.  He also grabbed a shot yesterday of two flocks of swans that were so huge that it took three snaps to encompass!  We figured it out on Google maps. Those pictures represent THREE ACRES of swans.  Hundreds of swans!  

Do I have those pictures? No. Of course not.


  1. Blogger has been driving me nuts too...but more so some of my visitors. Comments getting eating, can't even comment, or a few have emailed me to say they can't even access a blog of some of my other blog friends. And if only seems to be certain blogs they can't access. I don't get what is going on. And that fucking robot thing I don't get. Some days you comment, other days it then asks you to click the fucking button. Rat bastards.

    And What I don't get is why Melania trump is from Slovakia but why does she look Chinese? And I don't get fucking spam? Is it a meat? All I know is it makes for a good ham loaf!

  2. rock 'em sock 'em robots! I wanted one of those as a kid. I was told: that's BOY toy. FUCK YOU, sperm & egg donors! FUCK YOU, sexist society!

  3. Eye patches make me wonder, too.Since Waaay back when Moshe Dayan was stirring up things in the Unholy Lands of Perpetual Dispute.

    The idea of all that chum in the blueberry patch and 3 acres of flapping swans is like something out of Terry Pratchett's Discworld...

  4. I might start wearing an eye patch - what with that and the face mask I'll be almost invisible.

  5. anne marie in philly: My cousin had that! And just so you feel better, they weren't much of a toy. After awhile it just slid around on the floor, so we'd place the robots and take turns actuating the 'knock his block off' punch. The sound effect was cool, though!

  6. Mistress Maddie: A lot of people have been experiencing the same problem on Blogger! I don't know what the deal is. As for Spam, I figure it's ground up narco trafficante victims.

  7. dinahmow: I remember Moyshe Dayan! There was a parrot joke about him that went around my high school. Can't remember my own phone number, but I remember the Moyshe Dayan parrot joke from high school...sigh.

  8. savannah: You went out trick or treating? Well it serves you right, then, Charlie Brown!

  9. Ms. Scarlet: You'd look like one freaky eyeball floating around at head level. DO IT!
