Tuesday, April 18, 2023

One Needs A Touch Of Color

It was time.  Don't you agree?

It was also time to start being a good blog buddy and actually visit y'all on a regular basis.  It's difficult to get back into the social-presence habit, but I am a reformed Toad. Rest assured that from this day forward, I may not comment, but I'll be out here judging you.  Also, some of you people need to post more often. (And this is me after a sloth-hiatus.)

I am here today to introduce you to what I do when I'm not out shoplifting:

I embroider.  Yup.
Mainly turtles lately.  This is a swanky turtle.
This is a Van Gogh turtle.

Plain and fancy turtles.

Bumpy turtles and smooth turtles.

Ocean turtles that are not regularly blue. 

And here is what everybody asks - 'What does the other side look like?'  It looks like this. Here ya go.

Each one of them is about 6 inches by six inches, or 152.4 mm by 152.4mm. Lo these many years gone by, one of my Bloggy friends had a nasty hole. I was able to cover it with Style. If you have a nasty hole you'd like me to cover, I'd be more than pleased. Doesn't have to be a turtle.
You'd be surprised what I can do. 

Send a picture.

"So why are you embroidering 30005789347 turtles all of a sudden? you may ask.  It's because my Biker wants a turtle quilt, and these are the appliques that are going to go on the topper.  

Yes, I also quilt!  Well, I make 'tufted coverlets' if you're one of those super picky types. Some have pieced tops, and some have embroidered tops. I don't have time to go dicking around with a quilting frame or to go paying a shop to put it through a longarm.  Quilts are about saving money!  I'll be dipped before I pay between $100.00 - $350.00 for that B.S. Take my tufting and like it, peasant. 

Yes, I am a fabric queen. Yes, I have a stash. Yes, I have a 1940 Kenmore sewing machine with all the bells and whistles. I am also a rabid fan of 


It's been years since I made an item of clothing from scratch.  What I do is upcycle stuff I find at garage sales - but it's been years since I did that too, because I discovered character t's online. You do the math.     

-A t-shirt is comfy, stretchy, and has no buttons to go zanging off the walls every time I reach for something.  

-You can print an H. R. Giger picture on a t-shirt. Try that with a button-up. It'll suck. 

-They deliver t-shirts in the mail.  This means no trips out into public. 👍👍👍 

How many of you out there sew your own?


  1. Yay! Up-cycling Central 'round here. Saves money, keeps a body out of trouble and beats the hell out of dodging germs in shops. And your turtles are terrific! I'm thinking I may have to copy one for a cushion.With due accreditation, natch.

    1. How excellent! I did not know you were into threadly things. I remember the cool books you used to do that were like collages and mood boards. Those were inspired.

  2. I get creative when it comes to our Gay Pride outfits - like here, here or here, but otherwise...


    1. Handsomest couple EVAH. Wow Jon, look at you and M. Arcadi, marching it out inn style! I love the bandleaders uniform, and that (Sovietski?) bedazzled hat is SO YOU. Wear it with the glasses next year!

    2. Funny you should say that - the "Burning Man festival" hats are making a reappearance this year, but not the Ruritanian military uniforms. Jx

  3. Holy shit, sweetpea! Y'all's embroidery skills are STELLAR! I'm nowhere near your level! I'm still practicing stitches using a small hoop! xoxo

    1. I'm doing a lot of forbidden stitch in these, because they have to lay tight to the fabric and stand up to use. God I regret that choice. Otherwise I'd be all over it with the fun stitches like Lazy Daisy and Feather and Chain having a great time. Thank you for the compliment. I still work using a hoop. You go forth and conquer.

  4. "6 inches by six inches"? If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you met me date from Saturday night!!!

    Go on with your bad self Ms Project Runway of the Prairie!!!! I love those blur embordered turtles! I should commission a whole quilt of them!!!! And if anyone is going to be taking Mr Devine's measurements toots, it will be me. I have a fool proof method that gets the measurements to a t.

    1. I'll bet you do. If yer date from Saturday night was six by six, could it have been Justing Timberlake? Because that sounds like a boxed dick to me!

  5. Those turtles are fabulous!!
    I am only capable of simple repairs - a bit of darning, and turning up my trousers.
    Loving all the colour!
    You haven't yet made it into Wonky Words - but true - I don't update very often.

    1. You are as elusive as a butterfly. Now I'm going to go hit Wonky Words and try and remember 'This is where Ms Scarlet lives dammit'

    2. OK I just did and it says "There's nothing here." DAMMIT SCARLET

    3. I should be here…. https://wonky-words.com/blog/ Or here

    4. Copy and paste m’dear as my linking has failed!!

  6. Well dang. Wonky Words on WORDPRESS. Here I've been thinking terrible things. *whew*
