Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Well Of Course It's Raining. Hailing, Too!

 As soon as I saw the Iris Germanica putting out spathes I knew we were in for a hailstorm, and Nature did not disappoint.  It's hitting the window now like someone throwing handfulls of gravel at my house from close range.  Thankfully the irises were not opened (a couple of pseudacorus, nothing rare) but of course the peonies are out there confused as hell with the way the weather is changing from hour to hour.  Do I stay open? Do I stay closed?  WTF?  (My peonies have gutter mouths, I know, it's embarrassing.)

I carefully edited out all the development that's been taking place next to my house.  There is an elementary/Jr. Hi (Oh hoo-RAY) going up right behind my house, blocking my view of the Canadian Cascades once and for all.  I used to be able to see them out of my kitchen window.  Next year I'll be looking out at a big building filled with zitty kids.  And those zitty kids will be all up in my grille and I am seriously considering cyclone fencing now.

The Biker went on his first job interview today, and since it was arranged by his current place of employment (that is closing it's doors) I hope it gives him an 'in'.  If he can't work he'll spiral out into a depression, and I'll spiral out into husbandicidal tendencies if I have to put up with him sitting around my house unemployed, watching car crash videos.  

I, on the other hand, had to stop waking up to puppy and  kitten videos. 

I got into the habit this last winter because puppies and kittens are not bleak and are frequently cute and funny.  Now I've discovered  that puppies and kittens can get real old. REAL OLD.  I know that after awhile I'll be back down with the puppies and kittens, but for now, the Garden awaits.

And what is it with all the bearded dragons lately? How is that a fun pet?  And people buy clothes for them!  And...it's a fucking lizard!  I do not understand this.  Just like I don't understand the 'Goats as a house pet' trend.  Pigs...I can see a piggy as an outdoor pet.  But on my furniture? NO. Similarly super miniature horses.  Just...why? Why is that a thing? Who said 'You know what we need?  A super miniature horse the size of a dog clambering all over our stuff and fucking it up with it's hooves and gnawing on our furniture.  That sounds like a fun pet. IN AN APARTMENT.'  And there is nothing sadder than seeing a monkey in a diaper trapped in a suburban home with a woman who speaks to it in a high baby voice.  GAAH.

So in the time it's taken me to type this, the hail has stopped, the skies have cleared, there is sunshine, no precip of any kind, and yeah.  I can't really do anything outside because all I have left is lifting, dividing and planting, and that's not good in wet, heavy clay.  It is bad and no fun.

At least it's not snowing.


  1. I responded on your last post before reading this one and now I see you feel my pain in regards to encroaching development. In fact, I'd say "you win" but of course, what do you get but a school full of kids and not a cupie/kewpie doll. I've got my eye on heading farther North once again to get away from all these people, but its not a solution, its just more running. It seems Bellingham is becoming the new "It" place and you know that will all spread out like a rash.

  2. HAIL...WTF? IT'S MAY!

    oh christ, a school full of screaming out of control entitled little shits! electric fence pronto! zap those little fuckers!

  3. We live in very close proximity to all our neighbours in London, so although there's no chance of any unexpected new-build, there's always a very high risk that the next neighbour [everything's rented, so turnover's quite high] will be an intolerable bastard - as has happened to us before...

    I agree with Anne-Marie about electric fencing, but I'd also investigate sound-proofing solutions too, if I were you. Jx

    PS Hailstorms here, too, if that's any consolation.

  4. Let's ask Melania Trump what's is like living with a fat pig.
